Game of Thrones: most shocking moments. *SPOILERS*

Game of Thrones is well known for memorably subverting audience expectations on a regular basis. After the final episode of the particularly dark Season 5 delivered a shocker, its time to do a countdown of the series most surprising and shocking moments, which completely blind sided viewers everywhere.

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Not Boyhood for Girls     4-and-a-half-stars

“Girlhood” charts a young girl’s journey of self-discovery through a society with little hope of escape. Rejected by school and abused at home, Marieme joins a girls’ gang and reinvents herself within her new found community. Along with her three spirited companions, Marieme finds joy and adventure by embracing her new alter-ego: “Vic”. All is not as it seems however, and the violence, patriarchy and social disenfranchisement is, under the surface, a prominent part of Marieme and the community she is attached to.


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Top Five Batman/Superman Movie Villains

With the intriguing “Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice” teaser trailer hitting the web; it’s time to have a look at the best villains to have ever faced the Dark Knight and the Man of Steel in film. Jesse Eisenberg‘s casting as Superman’s main nemesis Lex Luthor has received a mixed reaction, so it will be interesting to look at some tough acts to follow in the DC universe. To clarify this list will take into consideration all Batman villains from 1989 through to 2012 and all Superman villains from 1978 through to 2013.

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The Future of the Historical Epic

Biblical to High Medieval

This is a film genre that there appears to be very little appetite for at present. The majority of epic blockbuster films are either franchise film sequels, reboots or re-makes of franchises that started in the 80’s or 90’s or based off graphic novels and comic books superheroes. This means film makers seem to have forgotten how compelling cinema can be if you re-capture actual events or re-create the life of a well known historical figure on a grand scale. To clarify; epic film is a style of film making with large scale, sweeping scope and spectacle, mostly transporting the viewer to a fantastical realm, the future or the past. However, one could be forgiven for believing that the majority of film goers have no interest in going to the cinema to journey into the past, but would rather go on adventures in fantasy realms or science fiction worlds. But is this true or have film producers got it wrong?

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